The Gingerbread Man Loose In The School

I'm hoping my positive review will help convince at least one person to ignore the weird title and Buy it. 

*Quite simply one of the best rhyming books I have reviewed to date  
*My son is absolutely enamored with this thing; so much so, in fact, that he could care less about the Spider Man novel we checked out the same day (which is saying a lot)
*It comes with a poster -- let me say that again -- it comes with a poster 

*I rarely have a problem with stories being too long, but if there is a flaw with the cookie caper, this might be it 
*Now that I think about it, I maybe could have done without Laura Murray's frequent use of the line "I'm their gingerbread man" 
*Raise your hand if your elementary school classroom had an oven in it... no one, hmm, that's what I thought

My wife told me I HAVE to give this a Buy.  While I appreciate her conviction, there will be no arm-twisting necessary, because I couldn't agree more.  TGMLITS is a surefire winner.  Congrats to Ms. Murray (FYI- this was her first picture book) and Mike Lowery (I loved you in Bad Boys) for baking up a delicious treat for the whole family

BUY / Borrow / Donate / Destroy


Teasha said...

Love the new web design. Good Job!

mysteryguy said...


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with this review- this book is the best! A total buy!!