Spot Loves His Mommy

See Spot go for the low hanging fruit!

*Each page is full of color, activity, and complete sentences
*You get the sense that Spot and his mom do love spending time with each other
*The 'cereal' Spot pours for himself in the morning bears a strong resemblance to dog kibble

*Spot is seconds away from licking the batter of what appears to be some sort of chocolate cake -- terrible idea to make kids think its alright to give dogs a food that can actually harm or kill them
*What a surprise, there's a cat cowering in the background (originality deduction)
*I'm no garden expert, but methinks that the flowers Spot picks for his mom would no longer be in bloom once autumn leaves are on the ground

Kudos, Eric Hill, you've come up with a book title that guarantees a certain percent of the mommy population will feel obliged to make a purchase.  For that I give you credit.  And, taken on the whole, your book is a decent read.  Yet, it lacks any sort of remarkable quality that would warrant hanging onto it for more than one sitting.  I'm positive there are countless other books focused on parental love that are better than this one.  Mr. Hill, you can take solace in the fact that it's a better-than-average Donate, but that's about as far as I can go in my praise.

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