Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly!

Mo Willems is super talented, so it comes as some surprise that this stinks so badly.

*Putting the rhino in a plane to get him to fly was tricky and really the only compelling part of the story
*You don't often get bats portrayed in picture books; consequently, it makes it more memorable here
*The rhino is first seen riding a pigeon-shaped bouncy chair, a fun reference to Willems' other series

*Has to be one of the more annoying books ever published -- even by the second page you know you are going to hate it (technically the third, since the first two are linked)
*Why, oh why, do the animals have to be called Bat the Bat, Bee the Bee, Rhino the Rhino, etc
*Might be piling on here about the text, but the ending is possibly the worst part of the whole thing

I had an inkling something was wrong when I saw this was part of the Cat the Cat series.  Though I had never heard of it before, two thoughts immediately came to mind.  1) "It's a rip-off or at least a lame-o attempt at becoming the 21st Century Cat in the Hat." ...and... 2) Why would you call a character Cat the Cat?"  Still, I never imagined my son and I would sit on my couch and be forced to experience something quite this atrocious.  Part of me wants to pull one of the other Cat the Cat books next time I go to the library to see if this was just a fluke, but Lion the Lionshare of me says this would be a colossal mistake on my part.  Say goodbye to Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly!                     

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