Buzz Buzz Buzz

Rule of the day:  Librarians are not always right.                    

*Loops back from beginning to end and back to the beginning in a unique manner  
*Teaches cause-and-effect (I'm parroting that from the back cover because there's no other way to really say it)   
*Pretty much tells you the whole story on the back cover in case you want to get it over with super fast 

*Every single protagonist commits an act of physical or mental violence against the next character introduced
*The most troubling instance of all occurs when one of the humans assaults his mule with a pitchfork 
*While some birds do, in fact, eat bees, most don't -- this could be confusing for your child

I was in the middle of picking my weekly selections when a librarian walked by.  I asked her if there was a rhyme or reason to the placement of books standing upright above the shelves.  [Yes.] One thing led to another and the next thing I know she's recommending Buzz Buzz Buzz to me.  She really liked its circularity and touted how fun it was to read.  Long story short, I took it home, read it to my son, and will probably never do that again.  There are plenty of ways to explain the wheel of life that don't involve this much anger. I know Byron Barton was trying to be cute with it, but it's simply over the top.  I should really Destroy it, but I'll let it slide a little since trained professionals seem to like it.                      

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