Kiss Kiss

Smooches squared! 

*Selena Mandine's images are a visual feast 
*You never really think about how various family members offer different pros and cons to a child who has to kiss them
*The gator in his room might have the longest snout I have ever seen and I really like it

*The personalization page should really be located on the inside front cover and not at the end of the book
*Christopher's chocolate kisses remind me more of Pigpen (of Peanuts fame) than anything you would find in Hershey, PA   
*Grandpa is a little too Santa-like for my taste

From an illustrative standpoint, Kiss Kiss is a no brainer.  You will never tire of the pictures inside.  The story itself is also pretty good, so I can see how many people would argue that this is worth purchasing.  But, for me, it feels like more of a Borrow because the last few pages of text drag down what is otherwise a great effort.

Buy / BORROW / Donate / Destroy

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