Always Lots Of Heinies At The Zoo

At the risk of sounding like an ass, let me assure you that you won't be bummed after reading this review. 

*I'm having trouble deciding whether the first pro is the title or the entire idea for the book itself 
*I didn't notice it the first time through, but I love the handy elephant backside to kinkajou conversion chart
*The author and illustrator forego the usual facial photos for pix of their booties 

*Despite what I said above, this is, at its core, a book about buttholes 
*I really liked the word placement on the panda and lioness page, but the zebra and gnu placement seems unlikely, not to mention cruel to the poor felines 
*I don't get the Easter Island donation head, especially since it's mouth is closed (where does the money go)

Ayun Halliday and Dan Santat might just be the perfect children's book team -- that's probably why they got a deal with Disney's Hyperion Books.  I absolutely loved reading this book, and to be honest, I think I loved it even before I opened it.  It is really great.  But(t), even with all of the fun and teachings it provides, can I really see myself buying a book about tushies?  As a gag gift, yes, but for year-round use?  Can't say that I would.  [But please consider buying the collaborators other works!]    

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