Superslide: First Words

While we're at it, let's get another one of these word books out of the way.  

*The categories are defined on the left side of the page using one big example image and then word sliders are presented on the right
*The cover is so spectacular and vibrant, it makes you want to open the book even when you know what's waiting for you inside
*I like the idea of the matching images finale, but the execution and abruptness of it makes it weird

*Since there are two words per slider, why don't they have arrows on them pointing at the proper respective image -- otherwise certain children might go through life confusing bikes with balls
*Maybe your kid is smart enough to ascertain that the sliders are all oriented one way (where the top word corresponds with the left image), but even s/he will do a double-take when they see the exception to this rule located on the apple/orange slider
*Which of these doesn't really belong with a flower: bee, mountain, leaf, shell -- I was gonna say 'shell' but, come to think of it, 'mountain' is a little weird too

You'd think that adding a few extra features to the traditional word book format would catapult this title to a high rating.  You'd be wrong. Superslide's got a lot of high-quality components, but the overall result somehow finds a way to fall flat.  My wife hates it.  I don't completely share her disdain; yet, it's definitely not good.  But don't despair Hinkler Books...with just some minor tweaking you could have a winner on your hands when you release your next edition.

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