On Mother's Lap

Inuits?  In this case, I'm just not that into it.          

*Addresses and answers an older child's resentment of younger siblings receiving mama's love
*Good interplay between adult writing and the age-appropriate phrasing of a youngster
*Super cheesy pearl of wisdom at the end but it gets the job done

*I'm all for diversity (heck, I even have a category devoted to it), just not token diversity  
*Illustrator Glo Coalson takes some artistic license by giving us what amounts to a 360-degree view of the  single-room abode but also creates a mild case of disoriented motion sickness   
*No boy should call ever his doll Dolly -- that's just Basic Parenting 101  

It's hard for me to say this about a fellow Penn Quaker, but Ms. Scott played the race card unnecessarily on this one.  For a lady who was calls PA and NV home to write about the lives of a Northern Canadian family seems like a not-so-subtle attempt at selling an otherwise banal story.  Obviously, people shouldn't be limited to using only  settings they have lived in personally.  However, children's authors don't deserve this right if they refuse to also educate our kids about the mores of the other cultures simultaneously.  This opinion might seem to contrast with some of my earlier reviews (The Snowy Day comes to mind immediately), but I think the difference is that we can all relate to another American, regardless of race, going out to play in the snow whereas the Inuits live a totally unique life that is foreign to the continental book buying public.

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