Snow Sounds

Since flurries are currently falling outside my window, it only seems fitting to review this particular story. 

*Makes you feel like you're all warm and cozy in your bed on a bitterly cold night (more than most winter-oriented attempts)  
*The graininess of the illustrations really adds to the whole concept of it being super snowy (although I might have toned it down a tad for the indoor shots)
*Shows child and parent each having to contribute, even on the most miserable of days

*I keep wondering why I don't like it given that I really don't have any major complaints with either the noises or the images -- but it's just missing something 
*I'm trying to visualize (audiblize?) a school bus making sounds in the "jingle clink" family and it's not ringing a bell, so to speak 
*Why does this boy have school on December 23rd -- he should have started his holiday vacation a week earlier

After hearing people's disagreements with me on Goodnight Moon, I have tried to be mindful of the fact that many moms place extra weight on having peaceful books for sleeptime.  [I'd argue that this David A. Johnson work belongs in said category.]  Yet, even when I overweight this factor, I can't seem to rate the story above Donate.  Unfortunately, Snow Sounds is one of those rare occasions where there's no compelling reason to have it lying around, even though there's nothing truly objectionable about the effort.  It's like any of these snowflakes falling outside right now (on what is a 41-degree day):  nice to look at, but doesn't stand out from its peers AND won't last in our world for more than a few fleeting seconds

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AdventuresFrugalMom said...

Just added you to my blog list. Thanks for stopping by.

Terri's Little Haven said...

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