Hero Dad

What my business card would say if I had a business card!                  

*Considering how hard it must be for children who have parents currently on active duty, any book that addresses the situation is a bit of a godsend
*Melinda Hardin does a neat job of equating common superhero powers to things done by regular members of the armed forces 
*Bryan Langdo's depictions of grunts jumping out of planes and using night vision are that perfect balance of realistic and cartoon-y to make it accessible to kids of any age   

*Why limit the hero status to American soldiers -- members of any other country's military undergo similar hardships
*Depending on where you fall on the military spectrum, could be seen as glamorizing a dangerous profession to impressionable minds 
*Shows all the storybook parts of service to your country and leaves out things like cleaning latrines, low pay, etc 

While neither of my parents were in the military, both of my grandfathers were -- so I've heard my fair share of wartime stories.  Personally, I think the automatic hero designation adults slap on anyone involved with 'protecting' our country is a little lazy.  I wish more Americans (and citizens of other world powers) questioned the budgets, agendas, and results of this culture.  Nonetheless, it's hard to argue with portraying it to kids this way.  Taking all of my politics out of the equation, this book offers writing and illustration that are nicely suited to the mission. Definitely not worthy of a medal, but a solid recruit you won't mind transferring in and out of your company.                              

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